Wednesday, September 1 was the first day my staff joined me back at Jerome Middle School. We began the day in a district meeting, and then after lunch, we joined together in our library for the first faculty meeting of the year. @wcarrozza, a principal I follow on Twitter, said it best. That first faculty meeting of the year is one of the most difficult for a principal - it is the one where we set the "vision" or "focus" for the entire year. This year will be one full of challenges, so I wanted to begin the year on a very positive and motivating note.
There were a few things we did - but one of them I stole from a blog by "whatedsaid". She took the time earlier this summer and wrote about what she "used to think", and what she "now thinks". I began talking to my staff about the fact that I truly appreciate all the hard work and improvements we have made over the years since I have been an administrator in the building - first as an assistant principal, and then as principal (this is my 5th year - 3rd as principal). I didn't want them to be frustrated about the fact that we didn't meet the requirements for AYP (missed it by a VERY narrow margin - subgroup) - I wanted them to focus on what we have learned about teaching, students, learning, etc. in the last few years. The following list is what JMS teachers used to think, and now they think....
JMS Staff 2010-2011 - “I Used to Think….Now I Think”
I used to think we had to cram for the ISATs…
Now the learning is more transparent.
I used to think we all taught in our own little boxes…
Now everything we do is interconnected.
I used to think elective and support staff were isolated….
Now we are an integral part of learning.
I used to think teaching standards was teaching to a test….
Now I think teaching standards guides instruction and shows mastery.
I used to think re-testing shouldn’t be an option…
Now I think without re-testing proficiency and mastery aren’t possible.
I used to think the textbook was the curriculum….
Now I think the textbook is only a resource.
I used to think that student effort = proficiency…
Now I think that teacher effort and the student = proficiency.
I used to think there was ONE best way…
Now I think there are MANY great ways.
I used to think tests were just for measuring…
Now I think testing should guide my instruction.
I used to think technology was just for the teacher…
Now I think technology is great for everybody!
I used to think I had to grade everything…
Now I think learning can happen without a grade.
I used the think I had to teach the “same way” to all students…
Now I use differentiated learning.
I used to think grades were important…
Now I think learning is important.
I used to think all positive feedback is good…
Now I think feedback should be specific and individualized.
I used to think I would never take a pay cut….
Now I think I will survive with a pay cut.
I used to think that all kids can learn and grow…
I still think all kids can learn and grow.
There were many more things we did in that beginning staff meeting, but my hope is that this exercise let the staff think about the great changes we have made - and look forward to a great year to come.
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